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Can I Get My Marriage Annulled in Florida?
Many spouses new to the divorce process wonder if they can simply get their marriage annulled rather than having to go through the process of divorce in a state court. In Florida, there are limited circumstances in which a marriage will be annulled, which means the...

What Can and Cannot Be Included in a Florida Prenup
If you are part of the growing number of couples in Florida who have decided to take your future into your own hands by creating a prenuptial agreement (thereby limiting the ability of an unknown judge to make unpredictable decisions regarding your property years from...

Assets That Are Commonly Hidden During a Florida Divorce
In a Florida divorce, the spouses in the marriage are required to present each other and the court with a full list of all assets held by either party. The purpose of this is so that the court can ensure that all marital property - meaning all property earned or...