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Filing a Counter Petition for Dissolution of Marriage in Florida
If you have been served with a petition for dissolution of marriage in Florida, you only have 20 days to respond to the court with your own filing. There are several types of responses you can file. First, you can file an answer which admits everything that your...
What is the Difference Between Custody, Time Sharing, and Parental Responsibility in Florida?
If you are the parent of a child in Florida and you are entering into a divorce with the other parent or may have never been married in the first place, there is a good chance that you might be a bit confused when you see the phrases “time sharing” and “parental...
What Factors Determine How Much My FL Child Support Payments Will Be
Both biological (or adoptive) parents of a child are required to financially support a child in Florida, and, when the parents are no longer married or have never been married, a court will usually order that one parent pay regular child support to the other parent on...